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This is a very long introduction.It's just a lot of words.It's long and wordy and complicated. This is a lot of text.The article is about a certain video, and it's written in a language that I don't understand. I can't read this article because it's in another language! I'm going to go now.If you can write an introduction that doesn't have any sentences like these, please send me an email at so I can add you to the list of people who have no idea what this post is about without reading it before or after they click "reply". If you are one of these people, apologize for using this website.I promise all the other stuff in the post is normal sized sentences. I'm just trying to be funny.This article is about an article that has a really confusing title. It's sort of like what you're reading right now, except it doesn't have pictures or anything that will distract you from reading the actual text. Like this text. It's not really that funny or interesting, but it doesn't have any pictures either so... yeah... read it... I mean, don't read it if you don't want to... um... I don't know. OH MY GOD, MY COMPUTER JUST DIED!This article is about a game that was released for the first time ever. It's full of words, and I don't understand words.

"Super Mario 64" was developed by Nintendo Software Technology (now known as Nintendo EAD), instead of the usual "Nintendo EAD 1" which developed most other 3D action games until around 1997 or so. Because of this, it uses different programming than other Super Mario games using the Super FX chip to simulate 3D graphics that are normally only simulated on the Nintendo 64 console itself. Because of this, Super Mario 64 is able to use many techniques that later games could not. It was the first game to use real-time cutscenes, which were used to open and close doors, etc. It was also the first game to allow turning around freely in midair, another feature that later 3D platformers did not have. Many of these techniques ended up being used in future games by Nintendo EAD 1.The game features vibrant colors and cartoon-like graphics with characters having large heads, small bodies and thin limbs.


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